S & B Training
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Children and Weight Training

Click here for results from the AAU Junior Olympic Powerlifting Nationals (Aug. 4&5, 2000)
Click here for results from the York Barbell Strength Spectacular-Bob Hoffman Strongman Challenge (June 18, 2000)
In My Opinion...
by George Petrides, Jr., CSCS
In my opinion...
- Straight bar curls are more effective at working the biceps than are EZ bar curls.
- Dips are the best exercise for working the triceps (followed by close grip benches and triceps extensions).
- The push up is not a good exercise for building upper body strength (it's an excellent exercise for upper body endurance.
- The leg press is an effective exercise for enhancing your deadlift (it's not the best exercise for enhancing your squat).
- Soccer players should place more emphasis on training their neck muscles ("heading" the ball properly requires good neck strength).
- Training the neck is a MUST for football players and wrestlers.
- The best shoes to wear for squats are Converse Allstars (Chuck Taylors). The flat sole allows the lifter to push with the entire foot.
- Lifting straps are a must when doing heavy back work!
- Bar pads are not neccessary for making the squat a more "comfortable" exercise. A lifter should learn the proper bar placement instead of using those "silly, good-for-nothing" pads.
- Bench shirts should only be worn when competing or training for a competition. For the most part they are only good for EGOS !
Do you agree or disagree? E-mail me at sqbppc@aol.com
Want to check out some more of George's views and opinions? Click here!

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