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Though what I am saying is that weight training is nothing but safe and beneficial for children, this may be slightly misleading. There are some general guidlines that Dr. Wescott, the National Strength and Conditioning Association , The American Council of Sports Medicine, and myself recommend when setting up a weight training program for your preadolescent child. They are:

  1. The child should be psychologically as well as physiologically ready to participate in a weight training program.
  2. The child and his/her parents should set realistic goals and realize that it takes time to get in shape and learn new movement patterns.
  3. The training session should include a 5-10 minute warmup which should include low intensity aerobic exercise and stretching.
  4. The training session should be closely supervised by an experienced fitness proffesional.
  5. The child should recieve careful and competent instruction on technique, training guidlines, and spotting procedures.
  6. Weightroom etiquette should be taught (returning weight to proper place, respecting individual differnces, working together on certain pieces of equipment.
  7. The weightroom should be free of all obstructions that children may be likely to trip over or bump into.
  8. There should be proper lighting in the weightroom.
  9. When initially learning technique, the child should start with very light weight or even a broom stick or PVC pipe.
  10. Weighlifting competition between children should be avoided in the early stages of a weight training program.
  11. Equipment should be the properly designed for the child's physical size and maturity.
  12. Proper spotting techniques should be followed and taught to the child.
  13. Above all, the child should enjoy weight training and never be forced into doing it!
Again, as long as these quidelines are followed, weight training is absolutely safe and beneficial for preadolescent children! I asked Dr. William Howard, head of Orthapedic Surgery at the Union Memorial Sports Medicine Center in Baltimore, Maryland, what he thought about children lifting weights. He said:
"I think it's great as long as the child is supervised. The growth plate issue is a myth! Young children for years have been working on farms lifting huge bails of hay and pulling around heavy pieces of farm equipment with their own muscles. Ever heard of of a "small ol' farm boy"? The growth plate issue is never an issue among these people. It's never even thought of. So what is the difference between a child lifting a huge bail of hay verses a barbell or dumbell? Nothing! If anything, the kid lifting the weights is going to be safer because a parent or trainer would be there watching him or her do it! I think it's great that children are getting into weight resistance exercise programs and I hope to see it get more and more popular!"

Rest assure, as parents, pediatricians, and sports medicine doctors become more educated on the topic of preadolescent weight training, we will see a much larger number of youth weight training programs taking place in schools and gyms across the nation. Soon the "growth plate issue" will become just what it is...a myth!