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Protein, along with carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water, is required for all life processes. Though it is as equally important as the other aforementioned essential nutrients, protein is the most talked about nutrient among those who strength train. In this article, you will find the answers to some of the most common questions asked about protein.
How much protein do we really require? The general consensus among sports nutritionists is as follows:
The body can effectively absorb 30 to 33 grams of protein per serving; therefore, it becomes necessary to distribute your protein grams among several meals throughout the day.
Which foods offer the best sources of protein with the least number of negative calories? Chicken breasts, tuna (packed in spring water), egg whites, veal, calf liver, fresh (not canned) black eyed peas.
Can sufficient quantities of protein be obtained through food alone? Yes, however, in doing so, an over abundance of calories is often consumed resulting in unwanted fat gain.
Are protein supplements useful and, if so, what are the best? Yes, they are very useful for helping one attain adequate amounts of protein without the excess calories. To my knowledge, the best protein supplement on the market is Beverly Internationals' Whey Protein Powder with hydrolyzed whey. This supplement contains whey isolates fortified with egg whites to increase the amino acid profile.
What kind of liquid should I use to mix with my protein powder? Water, preferably bottled spring water. For weight gain, it is a good idea to mix you protein powder with some type of juice or milk for extra calories.
How does one determine the quality of protein in foods or supplements? The established yardstick utilized by sports nutritionists is Biological Value. This is a measurement of the effectiveness of protein to digest, absorb, and convert to all the important amino acids in the body. Using the Biological Value Scale, eggs have a rating of 88 out of a possible 100 while some whey protein powders rate 100.
Any questions left unanswered? E-mail me at sqbppc@aol.com