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In My Opinion...
by George Petrides, Jr., CSCS
In my opinion...
- Creatine is the single best legal ergogenic supplement on the market for enhancing muscle strength and size.
- The bench press is the king of the upper body lifts (followed by the over head press).
- Pound for pound, women have leg strength equal to that of men. (Don't believe me? Check out the top ten all-time greatest squats in the men's and women's 165 lb. weight class in any of the powerlifting organizations. The numbers are pretty close!)
- The power clean is the most important lift for any contact sport athlete.
- A squat is not a squat unless the upper thigh breaks parallel.
- Olympic and college level wrestlers are the most fit athletes in the world!
- Strength training is not only safe for preadolescent children, it is also beneficial to their health and teaches lifelong fitness habits! That "damage to the growth plates" stuff is a bunch of @#%!!!
- A 500 lb. squat is more impressive than an 800 lb. leg press.
- An 800 lb. leg press is more impressive than a 500 lb. Smith machine squat.
- Guys who use steroids and compete in drug-free competitions are insecure losers.
- Baseball players should train their legs just as hard as an NFL lineman.
- Leg day sucks!
- Gyms that don't allow lifters to use chalk shouldn't be called "gyms". They should be called "fitness centers".
- Gyms that don't allow lifters to use chalk shouldn't have freeweights (only machines).
- Most men and women want their significant other to workout and be in shape.
- A gym is not "hardcore" unless it has dumbbells weighing up to 150lbs. or more.
Do you agree or disagree? E-mail me at sqbppc@aol.com

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