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5 Fat Loss Tips
by George Petrides, Jr., CSCS
The purpose of this article is to educate the reader on various aspects of a healthy diet. It is not intended to be a "diet plan" yet following these tips will aid in reducing one's weight and body fat.
- Stick to pure and simple foods.What does this mean? The bulk of one's diet should come in the form of lean meats, vegetables, and grains. Avoid prepared foods. Prepared foods usually contain excess calories in the form of oils and sugars. Some prepared foods, even when deemed "healthy" or "low -fat", contain excess amounts of butter or even lard! Imagine what this would do to your waistline!
- Whenever possible, cook and prepare your own meals. OK, OK....I know alot of us are really busy. We have kids, full time jobs, hobbies, etc.; but, if you really want to know what is going into your body, PREPARE THE MEALS YOUSELF! Prepack your lunches. When making a meal, make enough food for several meals(you know...leftovers). If it is impossible for you to cook you own meals and you have to eat out all the time (for instance, you have a job that requires you to travel alot), tell the waiter, chef, or cook EXACTLY the way you want your food prepared. You are entitled to do this you know. If you see something that is fried and you want it baked, be sure that you order it baked!
- Don't mistake the sensation of thirst for the sensation of hunger.This is very common. Often people feel they are hungry when in reality their body is really saying "water...give me water...I need water!!!!" To make sure you are not "misunderstanding you body" try drinking a big glass of water before you eat and while you are eating. This will do 2 things. First, it will help you decide whether you are hugry or simply thirsty; and second, the water will help fill your stomach and give it more of a feeling of fullness.
- Do your cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.Sounds crazy but it is very effective. The theory behind this is based on the fact that your body has been depleted of carbohydrates since you have not eaten for the last 8-10 hours (or however long it was since the previous day's last meal). Unfortunately, carbs are the body's primary fuel source. Since the body has been depleted of its primary fuel source, it has to rely on its secondary fuel source...FAT; thus, you tend to burn more fat than carbs. Again, this is just a theory, but it seems to work.
- Instead of your standard 3 meals a day, try 5-6 smaller meals a day. Most dieticians will tell you that "grazing" is the prefered method of eating when trying to lose weight. Grazing is basically a term used for "eating gradually throughout the day." Yes, this is what wild animals do! They eat a small amount, walk or hunt all day, then eat again. They may eat 6-10 times a day. If you have ever eaten venison you are aware of how low in fat it is. Ever seen a fat deer? Grazing allows you to metabolize calories more effenctively and tends to curb you hunger.
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